Friday, August 13, 2010

We have the cutest kid, hands down!!

Jake Broke his leg a couple weeks ago. (we are really behind) He was a trooper though. He wore the boot for 3 weeks and then it was healed! Kids are amazing. It didn't stop him at all! We love this little Man!

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Steven and I have made a goal to once a week do something fun as a family! We sometimes find ourselves getting caught up in the rush of school, work, callings and many other responsibilities that seem to take over. Our first fun outing was to hike "A" mountain. We had a blast! We rode the tram to the mountain and then enjoyed the journey up to the top! We were so glad we had our baby carrier so that Jake could come with us. We really did enjoy it and it wasn't too hot!
Jake now sleeps like this always! We will try and put him down on his side or back but he immediately gets in this position! We even try and just pull his legs down so he is completely on his tummy, but he doesn't like that either. He pulls his legs back up right away! We love this guy!
We went to the Suns game and had so much fun. Steven is a Suns fan all the way and I am trying to be more of one! :) Actually I have really enjoyed the playoffs this year! We are so excited for the Suns vs. Lakers! GO SUNS!!!!!!
Steven got Jake ready for church last week and this is what he looked like! What a handsome dude!
We also bought a bike seat for Jake so that we could all go bike riding together! He loved it so much and it was nice to hit some yard sales on the ride. It was a little difficult at the end of the ride to keep his head from falling because he had fallen asleep.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

We went to Thatcher on our way home from Carlsbad and we had to stop by and see Uncle Levi's horses!
This isn't the best picture of us but we sure had fun on our first family trip together. This picture is of us in white sands New Mexico. It is really very pretty. Jake wasn't to happy with us because you will notice in the next picture he ate it in the sand. We ended up not staying as long as we would have liked but he really wasn't to fond of the sand after that! : ) I of course had to get a picture before we could wipe it off!

I sure love my little FAMILY!! Life is hard but it's worth plugging through when you are surrounded by the people you love and who love you!!!!

Here are some pictures of our cute boy! Jake is so much fun and has such a great personality!

He loves making funny faces at us! Everyday he has a new one. I have no idea where he gets them from. I hope that's not what I look like everyday and he just is copying me!!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Happy Birthday Aubrey!!

Today My Sweet Aubrey would have been turning 2 years old! I have mixed emotions as March 7 comes around every year. As I watch Jake grow up and learn new skills and become more and more fun and exciting a piece of me aches for Aubrey to be here. I wish I could see her growing and developing too. Lucky for me I know I will get to see her do the very things Jake is doing! I am very grateful for my eternal family and for the plan our Heavenly Father has for us! I have so many more thoughts and emotions running through my head right now but I will leave those for her journal. I just needed the world to know that she was born to our family and she is just as much apart of us as Jake. Happy Birthday Aubrey!! We love you!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Put your mouse over images to see the captions...

Long overdue post...

So it has been quite a while since we last posted... sorry about that.
Well Kami is taking 3 classes at ASU, babysitting a boy named Max three days a week, taking care of Jake, doing her new calling (Beehive Advisor), and taking care of me! She is a babe! The amazing part is that she does it all with a smile.
Jake is getting so big and so fun! We love the little guy like I never thought possible. He is very healthy and strong too. He is sitting up on his own now which makes things easier and funner! I am also going to school full-time.
I am going to be working as a Supervisor at a Chick-Fil-A on the 20th of this month. I've also been trying to do some videography on the side (just basketball highlight films right now).
Life is good! Hope you all are well!
Dave took these pictures... back in December! We are barely getting them on here, but I had to put them on... he does such a good job!

Here is a link to my highlight film that I created for one of my favorite people in the world.

I'm just going to make a slideshow so.... see you later!

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